Could Cannabis and Opioids Work Together?

Could Cannabis and Opioids Wor...

Cannabis and opioids work together to manage pain and reduce harm from excess opioid......

Will Cannabis for Inflammation Prevent Chronic Disease?

Will Cannabis for Inflammation...

Cannabis may be in the arsenal for the fight against inflammatory disease. Inflammation is......

The Effects of THC are not the Same for Women and Men

The Effects of THC are not the...

There’s no denying the effects of THC. But, are we feeling the same thing?......

Patients Living with Chronic Pain Get Help with Cannabis

Patients Living with Chronic P...

Research suggests that switching from opioid pills to cannabis can lessen the burden of......

Can Cannabis Help Common Pelvic Conditions in Women?

Can Cannabis Help Common Pelvi...

Thanks to a high number of cannabinoid receptors in the reproductive organs, cannabis may......

What are the Health Effects of CBD Use During Pregnancy?

What are the Health Effects of...

Research suggests many benefits for CBD on women’s health, but the relationship of CBD......


Studies Show Cannabis May Help Fight Bladder Cancer

Studies Show Cannabis May Help...

Studies show cannabis may be a future help for bladder cancer symptoms. Legalization and......

Top Pharmaceuticals Patients Will Replace with Cannabis

Top Pharmaceuticals Patients W...

Research supports the potential to replace some pharmaceuticals  with cannabis. Modern-day medications have done......

Everything You Wanted to Know About Cannabis and Men’s Sexual Health

Everything You Wanted to Know ...

There is a lot of conflicting information about how cannabis may, or may not,......

What is the Relationship Between Cannabis and Cardiovascular Health?

What is the Relationship Betwe...

Some studies say cannabis is good for the heart. Others say it may not......

Study: Does Smoking Cannabis Make Men Impotent?

Study: Does Smoking Cannabis M...

A collection of research suggests that cannabis smoking males are more likely to be......

Throw Some Cannabis Pain Salve in Your First Aid Kit

Throw Some Cannabis Pain Salve...

Cannabis pain salve may help with sore muscles and headaches. Anecdotal evidence and historical......


What To Expect At Your First Appointment With The Cannabis Doctor

What To Expect At Your First A...

A qualified cannabis doctor is the best route for proper treatment with medical cannabis.......

Cannabis is a Key Weapon in Fighting Arthritis Pain and Inflammation

Cannabis is a Key Weapon in Fi...

Cannabinoids work on CB2 receptors to reduce pain and inflammation of arthritis. Recent studies......

How to Prevent Dementia: The Role of Cannabinoid Therapy

How to Prevent Dementia: The R...

Research into how to prevent dementia shows THC may not only destroy amyloid plaques,......

Studies Support Cannabis for Managing Symptoms of Rheumatic Diseases

Studies Support Cannabis for M...

Cannabis presents a safe option for managing pain and inflammation in patients suffering from......

Are Hemp Hearts the Secret Elixir of Youth?

Are Hemp Hearts the Secret Eli...

How to use hemp hearts to boost health over the long term. Hemp hearts......

Could Cannabis Be Effective Medicine For Elderly Patients?

Could Cannabis Be Effective Me...

Scientists in Israel are researching to see if cannabis could work as medicine for......


Does Cannabis Physically Change the Teen Brain?

Does Cannabis Physically Chang...

Researchers look at the cortical surface of the adolescent brain to determine if cannabis......

Can I Give My Child CBD Oil?

Can I Give My Child CBD Oil?

Many parents ask, “Can I give my child CBD oil?” The answer is surprisingly......

New Cannabis Research Grants Focuses on Kids with Cancer

New Cannabis Research Grants F...

Canadian researchers are going all in to sort out how cannabis can help kids......

Prenatal Cannabis Exposure Linked To Impaired Fetal Brain Development. Again.

Prenatal Cannabis Exposure Lin...

New study suggests babies of cannabis consuming mothers experience sleep issues from impaired fetal......

CBD May Help, But Advocates Ask: Should We Treat Autism?

CBD May Help, But Advocates As...

How important is it to be neurotypical? Is it society that needs to change......

Cannabis Seizure Trial For Newborns With Brain Injury at Birth

Cannabis Seizure Trial For New...

Newborn in Britain is the youngest patient to participate in a cannabis seizure trial.......


Cannabis Salves for Wound Care at Home?

Cannabis Salves for Wound Care...

A high percentage of home healthcare patients need wound care at home. Can cannabis......

Cannabis May Help Manage Pain for Those Dying at Home

Cannabis May Help Manage Pain ...

For those facing death, cannabis may give the option of dying at home in......

Dying with Dignity is About Choice in End-of-Life Medication

Dying with Dignity is About Ch...

Terminally ill patients have new hope in being allowed to access cannabis to help......

Can Cannabis Treat Chronic Wounds?

Can Cannabis Treat Chronic Wou...

Chronic wounds closed sooner and cleaner when topical cannabis was applied. WARNING: This article......

How Does Cannabis Measure up to Post-Op Pain

How Does Cannabis Measure up t...

New research suggests cannabis may be able to help post op pain. The ‘buzz’......

What Can Cannabis do to Stop Muscle Wasting?

What Can Cannabis do to Stop M...

Does cannabis stop muscle wasting? Here’s what the research is saying about cannabis and......


Susan Michaels On the Dangers of Histamine Intolerance

Susan Michaels On the Dangers ...

Until she tried cannabis, physical ailments and undiscovered histamine intolerance led to years of......

Three Years Clean and Still No Idea How I Am Going To Survive The Rest of My Life

Three Years Clean and Still No...

Addiction recovery is not easy – Gary’s story shows us why. Editor’s Note: Any......

Cannabis as Medicine: Their Pills Made Me Suicidal

Cannabis as Medicine: Their Pi...

The pharmaceuticals were altering my mind, but using cannabis as medicine changed everything. Editor’s......

“I’m Part Of The Oldsters Motivated By Cannabis. There Are A Lot Of Us”

“I’m Part Of The O...

Priscilla tried cannabis as an alternative to opiate painkillers and she says this has......

My Petit and Grand Mal Seizures Treated with Cannabis

My Petit and Grand Mal Seizure...

I’m more than willing to stand in front of the masses and scream it......

A Powerful Story Of Crushing Opioid Dependency

A Powerful Story Of Crushing O...

I went from the Air Force to rebuilding New Orleans to Hell, hooked on......