prostate cancer

Researchers Call For Clinical Trials on CBD and Prostate Cancer
Marc Moulin March 20, 2019

Researchers Call For Clinical Trials on CBD and Prostate Cancer

Preclinical research actually suggests a treatment effect between CBD and prostate cancer. Where are…

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Cannabis Research 2018 - The Top Ten Game Changing Studies
RxLeaf December 31, 2018

Cannabis Research 2018 - The Top Ten Game Changing Studies

Cannabis research is slowly proving what anecdotal wisdom has been preaching for decades. Editor’s…

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Can CBD Interfere With Prostate Cancer?
Dragana Komnenov PhD December 19, 2018

Can CBD Interfere With Prostate Cancer?

Science finds pro-metastasis vesicles of prostate cancer may be stopped by CBD and chemo….

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CBD vs THC for Cancer: What Does the Latest Research Say?
Christine Colbert October 31, 2018

CBD vs THC for Cancer: What Does the Latest Research Say?

CBD vs THC? Which holds the most promise for cancer treatment? Dip a toe…

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Cannabis Ready to "Man Down" For Prostate Cancer
Matt Weeks June 10, 2018

Cannabis Ready to "Man Down" For Prostate Cancer

A world class cancer researcher with aggressive prostate cancer treated it with cannabis. Prostate…

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Cannabis Helped my Dad with Metastatic Lung Cancer
RxLeaf May 28, 2018

Cannabis Helped my Dad with Metastatic Lung Cancer

The doctor said, “I don’t know what you’re doing, but you’re improving! Your metastatic…

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Cannabis Helped This Prostate Cancer Patient Finish Chemo
RxLeaf July 7, 2017

Cannabis Helped This Prostate Cancer Patient Finish Chemo

Cannabis helped Paul, a prostate cancer patient, finish chemo treatment by restoring appetite and…

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