Most CBD Infused Products are not Worth Your Money

Jessica McKeil November 20, 2020 0 comments

Do you need CBD infused into your hand sanitizer?

What do CBD infused hand sanitizers, CBD socks, and CBD activewear all have in common? They are all made by brands banking on CBD, but not necessarily backed by science.

If you haven’t noticed, CBD infusions are taking over the wellness market. With more and more consumer products incorporating CBD into their formulations, it’s becoming problematic for researchers, regulators, and advocates working towards this compound’s real therapeutic applications. With brands slapping the “CBD-infused” label on nail polishes, toothpicks, and other questionable items, it can delegitimize the real benefits currently under study.

Buyers Beware: Push Back on the CBD Wellness Trend

For some people working in the industry, the CBD craze has gotten out of control. So much so, they are starting to push back against the false claims and fake products. The tongue-in-cheek #hadenoughyet campaign came to be thanks to a proliferation of useless CBD products hitting the market.

As CBD Global Extract, the company behind the campaign, explains, “Cannabinoids like CBD have incredible health benefits (when formulated properly), but the industry has reached a point where low quality (or outright fake) products have flooded the market.” Products like CBD shampoo, CBD socks, and CBD french fries inspired their team to put together a satirical cartoon series based on the industry’s magical claims about CBD.

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As the #hadenoughyet campaign highlights so well, consumers have come under the “CBD Pixie Dust” spell. If it has CBD, it must be good for you —right? As per the press release for the cartoon, “While thousands of [Pixie Dust Syndrome] products flood the market, it is vital that industry professionals and regulators identify a cure for this condition so innocent consumers are protected and able to benefit from the real “CBDs.” Essentially, CBD and other cannabinoids have many potentially beneficial applications in medicine, but these are not magical nor miraculous.

#hadenoughyet is a somewhat lighthearted and satirical approach to the global demand for CBD infused products, but this is a genuine problem for researchers and advocates. Unfortunately, problematic products, like CBD infused clothing, pillows, and cosmetics, are flooding the world with CBD-fluff, all without a scientific basis.

Examples of CBD Infused Products That Don’t Pass

Top contenders for most questionable CBD infused products include some clothing, unhealthy foods, and certain cosmetics. Yes, they may contain CBD, but how much do you absorb from using the product? Does the product’s application even need CBD? Here are a few fake-wellness trends to look out for.

CBD Infused Activewear

One of the worst contenders for problematic CBD products is CBD infused clothing. Recently, ACABADA made headlines when they launched their line of CBD activewear items, but despite good branding, there is little evidence about their benefit.

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The website claims microencapsulation technology, which traps CBD into the fabric. Their website encourages shoppers to, “Embrace the anti-inflammatory, calming, and muscle relieving benefits your favorite CBD topical provides, directly onto your body while you’re on the move.”

It’s unknown how much CBD, if any, makes it way from clothing to skin. How much CBD do the products contain? How many wears and washes does the CBD infusion last for? These are not yet answered.

For the price tag that comes with this “luxury” activewear brand, patients should instead invest their money into CBD topicals. Considerably more research supports the benefits of CBD topicals, plus you can target specific areas as needed.

CBD Hand Sanitizer

With hand sanitizer a hot commodity during the ongoing global pandemic, it’s perhaps unsurprising to find CBD infused hand sanitizer popping up everywhere. But, a cautious consumer would be wise to consider the usefulness of this product. Is this a money grab, or can CBD really improve the disinfecting powers of the product?

As with the other products on this list, there is no scientific basis behind any CBD hand sanitizers you’ll find today. One product claims you will, “Get your daily dose of CBD while sanitizing hands with CBD Living Hand Sanitizer.” But, how much CBD absorbs through the skin before the product evaporates? How does CBD react within a primarily ethyl alcohol-based solution? The benefits of CBD within a hand sanitizer solution are negligible and not paying extra money.

“CBD” Infusions (Which Are Technically Hemp Oil)

Buyer beware of products that market themselves as CBD seed, sativa seed, or hemp oil. True, not all hemp seed oil products are falsely advertised. Hemp seed oil is a legitimate ingredient in foods and skincare. But, with the rise of CBD wellness, there has been a dramatic uptick in companies talking about CBD. But far too often, the product strictly contains hemp seed oil. Which has negligible CBD concentration.

CBD is a cannabinoid extracted from hemp flowers, while hemp seed oil is a culinary (or cosmetic) oil extracted from hemp seeds. Although there are notable benefits to hemp seed oil, it doesn’t contain any CBD.

There are several cosmetic companies, in particular, pushing the CBD angle with misleading descriptions (ex: Sativa seed nail polish), whereas the products only contain hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil is an inexpensive and widely affordable ingredient that doesn’t deserve an inflated CBD-price tag.

Save Your Money for Quality Wellness Products

The only solution to the proliferation of problematic CBD infused products is education and regulation. With better consumer understanding about cannabinoids, their possible therapeutic function, and real bioavailability, consumers will spot fake wellness from a mile away.

Better regulation on what companies can claim will also help. Right now, too many people market CBD as a miracle cure. In reality, it has a particular spectrum of therapeutic applications.

As just another wellness trend, we can expect the hype about CBD to die down over the coming years. Eventually, only effective, proven, and regulated products will remain. Until then, consumers must remain vigilant about false claims and continue questioning the true benefits of a CBD infused product. Always ask, is it worth your money?

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Jessica McKeil

Jessica McKeil is a freelance writer focused on the medical marijuana industry, from production methods to medicinal applications. She is lucky enough to live in beautiful British Columbia, Canada where the cannabis industry is exploding. When not writing, she spends much of her time exploring in the coastal forests.

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