Dog Owner Says: Cancer in Dogs Can be Treated with Cannabis

RxLeaf August 27, 2017 0 comments

“The large tumor has broken apart and the two smaller ones are just fluid filled sacs with no cancer”

Editor’s Note: Any testimonials or endorsements found on this site are for anecdotal purposes only. The information in Rxleaf testimonials is not intended as direct medical advice, nor should it be relied upon as a substitute for consultations with qualified healthcare professionals who are intimately knowledgeable about your individual medical needs.

My dog is on medical cannabis for her mast cell canine cancer. She is 12-years old and acts like a puppy! I want to testify that I believe cannabis can help cancer in dogs.

The only medicines she is taking with it are Benadryl and Pepcid because they are H1/H2 blockers and will stop the spread to her glands (through histamines). She has been taking the FECO (Full Extract Cannabis Oil) for 6 months and the large tumor has broken apart and the two smaller ones are now just fluid sacks with no cancer.

The oil is made from OG kush, high in THC and CBD. She gets roughly 0.5 mls of oil, twice daily. It’s hard to measure such a runny, sticky substance but I do my best to keep it consistent. I make all the extracts and test the quality before giving her any.

I have multiple curvatures in my spine and used to take opioids to manage the pain. Once I started using cannabis, I was able to get off the pharma. Now, I feel so much healthier, more active, better appetite. I’m clear-headed and not worrying over when I will get that refill on pain meds.

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canine cancer

So, when my dog got sick, I went straight to cannabis because ! already knew the positive effect it had on me. She’s been my best friend for 12 years now….

Fuck the poison. Cannabis is the way to go.

Cannabis for Canines, What You Need to Know

If a vet gives your furry friend a cancer diagnosis, it feels like a family member just got the diagnosis. It’s an emotional roller coaster as you navigate the treatment options, pain relief, surgeries, and if all else fails, palliative care. Many pet owners, like the one in this personal story, would do anything to cure cancer in dogs. Your dog is your best friend, and it’s hard to see them suffer.

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Beyond the standard treatments provided at the vet’s, what can you do for cancer in dogs? Some owners have started turning to alternative therapies, including cannabis. But, is cannabis safe and effective for treating cancer in dogs?

Pet owners will want to be very careful administering THC-rich cannabis to their four-legged friends. Although this pet owner seems to have found the sweet spot, technically, THC is toxic to most pets (cats, dogs, horses). Accidental ingestion has led to more than a few tragic deaths and many costly vet bills.

It’s better to invest in non-intoxicating CBD, the other primary cannabinoid in cannabis. Veterenarians currently beleive cannabidiol (CBD) is quite safe for canine consumption. This, even in high doses.

Although using cannabis (of any kind) to treat cancer in dogs is still quite controversial. There is a lot of early research evidencing the plants potential for cancer treatment, though. Preliminary study suggests cannabinoids can combat tumor growth, and it’s why pet owners are experimenting on using cannabis for cancer in dogs.

cancer in dogs represented by three sick dogs huddled under blanket

Recent Studies on Cancer in Dogs

A recent review on the current status of cannabinoids for cancer treatment summarized, “Many in vitro and in vivo experiments have shown that cannabinoids inhibit proliferation of cancer cells, stimulate autophagy and apoptosis, and have also a potential to inhibit angiogenesis and metastasis.” It’s all really good news, but it’s all still in the preclinical stages.

If you want to use cannabis for treating cancer in dogs, it’s worth first discussing the options with your vet. True, not all vets are receptive to cannabinoids in veterinary medicine, a frank discussion may be productive for your pup. Seek out hemp-derived CBD oils and tinctures first, and only introduce THC under the guidance of a professional. Again, THC is extremely toxic to dogs, and you want to keep everyone safe.

Vets Beginning to Change their Minds

As Sarah Hayes, RxLeaf contributor, points out in greater detail here, veterenarians are beginning to change their minds. “Caution may be required when it comes to THC, but the same is not at all true of other cannabinoids, including CBD.” This process, while slow, will likely only speed up as more jurisdictions legalize cannabis. For example, “up until now, the legal state of cannabis has blocked any large-scale veterinary studies into cannabinoid treatments for pets.”

Now, however, the advancement of CBD in medical studies is changing minds. For example, “preliminary research shows that CBD can be useful for a variety of pet ailments like allergies, anxiety, arthritis, glaucoma, seizures, and more.” Further, CBD treatments are especially helpful to cats. Cats are more sensitive to common veterinary pain meds than dogs.

The future looks bright for all pets, from cats with arthritis, to cancer in dogs.