Sudden Facial Paralysis Started a Downward Spiral of Opiods and Benzos

RxLeaf June 19, 2018 0 comments

As a botanist, I knew exactly what to do after the facial paralysis. 

Editor’s Note: Any testimonials or endorsements found on this site are for anecdotal purposes only. The information in Rxleaf testimonials is not intended as direct medical advice, nor should it be relied upon as a substitute for consultations with qualified healthcare professionals who are intimately knowledgeable about your individual medical needs.

I first met cannabis in the form of hash while my dad was stationed in Turkey back in 1969. It was great! When we came stateside again in 1970, I found “pot.” LOL

I started growing around the same time I started smoking. I am a life long botanist with a soil science degree; and I was never sick.

My kid’s mom was mentally unstable and that brought a lot of stress. One Monday night (I remember because it was opening night football), I got a real bad headache near my lower left ear. Thought maybe my wisdom teeth were impacted. But, the pain kept getting worse. My tongue started to swell up and the right side of my face drew up like Quasimodo.

notre dame, home of quasimodo

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No Doctor Could Figure It Out this Sudden Facial Paralysis

No doc could figure out what was going on! It was 72 hours before I was put on anti-virals. The side effects from that were severe. I would NOT have been able to eat or drink if it weren’t for cannabis.

THEN the fun really started – the facial paralysis would not subside so they had me on everything from benzos to opiates, Effexor, Vioxx, Lyrica. The nerve pain in my face was intense (at least a 10) and opioids were the only thing that brought it down to manageable levels. Having little kids, I didn’t want to risk growing the amount I needed to be well. I was still smoking, and I know that made the side effects better and the damage less.

In 2008, I fell from a second story roof and damaged my feet and ankles. More opioids and muscle relaxers…

pot plant in pot

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Or, More Cannabis Medicine?

Today, I am still experimenting with strains, vapes, and edibles. I have been able to mega-dose CBD and that got me off my prescriptions. This has been since September, and I will say that my joints feel pretty good and my face is more elastic. When I do strenuous exercise, I don’t get sore. This is what I’m saying – long term cannabis use has kept my body feeling like it’s 30 despite these assaults on it. AND, well, you would expect depression with all of this going on…but all I feel is the deep desire to be well. I thank cannabis for that.

We need to tell our government ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Leave us alone. We know what we are doing!

From RxLeaf: Growing Your Own Medicine

Considering humans have been growing cannabis as medicine for hundreds, if not thousands of years, it’s ridiculous that access to medicine is as restricted as it is. The ability to grow your own medicine should be a human right, not a felony.

Growing your own medical cannabis gives you complete control over the process and the final product. That means using no harmful pesticides, and growing a cannabinoid profile you love. Once you are set up with the initial tools home-grown cannabis is perhaps the most affordable health care in the US. No matter how much you need, its entirely possible to grow all your plant-medicine in your home (or in your yard), saving you thousands of dollars a year on costly pharmaceuticals.

Although the patient in this story has a long history working with the plant, you do not need a green thumb to start growing the plant in your own home. Make a small investment into the cultivation infrastructure, dedicate a little time every day to nurture your medicine, and within six months you’ll have a full harvest at a fraction of the cost of a dispensary, or conventional medications.

cups of cananbis plants for facial paralysis pain, in this case

Where Can You Legally Grow Your Own Medicine?

Depending on where you live, growing cannabis may or may not be allowed. There may also be requirements like licenses, or permits, to grow on your property.

In Canada, it is now legal to grow recreational cannabis in every province except for Quebec and Manitoba. There is a limit of four plants per household across the country. Each province and even municipality may have particular requirements on the visibility of plants, fencing, and security. Do a little research before getting started.

In the US, it’s technically still a felony to grow THC-rich cannabis. But as you are likely well aware, many states have fully operational medical cannabis programs. Not all of these states allow for home grows through.

Legal States For Growing

Colorado, Alaska, Maine, New York, and Rhode Island all allow recreational cannabis plants in the home. Other states, including Oregan, California, Nevada, Vermont, and Michigan, allow for both recreational and medical (but medical has higher limits).

Finally, for medical only, Arizona, New Mexico, Washington, Montana, Oklahoma, and Missouri, allow for limited medicinal cultivation at home. Again, it’s always best to check with whatever governmental body regulates cannabis in your state to confirm specifics.

If cannabis is legal to grow in your area, it only makes sense to try your hand growing your own medicine. With the information available online, which make it easy peasy, even for beginners, there is no excuse. Convert a closet, a shed, or a corner of your backyard into a mini grow-op. Many patients growing their medicine at home will tell you, there is something extra special about home-grown cannabis; and that whether you’re growing it for the pain of facial paralysis, like the above, or any other painful condition you can think of.