Human Clinical Trial On Cannabis And Fibromyalgia

Branna Z. February 5, 2019 0 comments

Study sees which ratio of CBD:THC is most effective in stopping the pain of fibromyalgia.

There is an urgent need to find suitable replacements for opioids in the treatment of chronic pain. One of the most promising possibilities is the cannabis plant, with its over 500 medicinal components. Cannabinoids are the most active of these and exhibit their pharmacological effects through CB1 and CB2 receptors, as well as G-protein coupled receptors. A recent human clinical trial found that patients are meeting with success in using cannabis for fibromyalgia.

Cannabinoids Treat the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Firstly, receptors that receive cannabinoids are part of the endocannabinoid system. THC signals a variety of effects, including pain relief and psychotropic effect. CBD, the other major cannabinoid, reduces inflammation and also has analgesic properties (among others).

study published in the journal, Pain (December, 2018)explored the effects of medical grade cannabis on fibromyalgia syndrome. This condition causes widespread chronic pain and is often afflicted by secondary symptoms, such as: sleep disturbance, tiredness, memory deficits.

Researchers Test Four Combinations of Cannabis for Fibromyalgia

Observations were made regarding the effects of inhaled pharmaceutical-grade, full spectrum cannabis. CBD:THC strain ratios that were investigated include:

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Bedrocan®  22% THC (220mg/g) and less than 1% CBD.

Bediol® 6.3% THC (63mg/g) and 8% CBD (80mg/g)

Bedrolite® 9% CBD (90mg/gr) and less than 1% THC.

Placebo derived from the Bedrocan® cannabis variety by the selective removal of the cannabinoids.

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cannabis, cannabinoid receptors, CB receptors, fibromyalgia, cannabis strains, fibromyalgia research, chronic pain, cannabinoids, THC, CBD

Image credit: Feed the Birds

What Does A Clinical Trial of Cannabis For Fibromyalgia Look Like?

Twenty-five patients participated in the study of the age 39 ± 13 years. The patients reported their pain in several categories. These include experimental pressure pain, electrical pain, and spontaneous pain. Patients also reported on the progress of psychotropic effects.

Cannabis medicine was received through a dosed inhalation balloon.

Consequently, the results of the study confirm what we already know about cannabis for fibromyalgia. A ratio of 1:1 (CBD:THC), like that found in the Bediol® strain, works best. Individuals using this strain reported 30% decrease in spontaneous pain over those using placebo.

cannabis, cannabinoid receptors, pain scores, fibromyalgia, cannabis strains, fibromyalgia research, chronic pain, cannabinoids, THC, CBD

How Does Cannabis Treat Symptoms of Fibromyalgia?

A summary of the results:

Spontaneous pains scores were lowest when THC psychoactivity was highest. As patients ‘came down’ from the high, the pain started to return.

Pain pressure thresholds were higher for subjects using strains with high THC concentrations (Bedrocan® and Bediol®). This means that participants were able to withstand greater levels of pressure before registering this as pain.

The high CBD strain, Bedrolite®, did not kill fibromyalgia pain. Its presence increased blood plasma levels of THC, but this also resulted in less pain relief.  One possible reason could be that CBD prevents THC from binding to the CB1 receptor. This points to the complex interactions that take place with full spectrum cannabis medicine.

Lastly, further studies will evaluate efficacy and safety for prolonged treatment. These will also determine the role psychotropic activity plays in killing pain. For now, cannabis is a good medicine for relieving the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Potential Chemovars (Strains) for Fibromyalgia Treatment

Here are a few suggestions for all your fibromyalgia treatment requirements. A smart consumer will want to experiment with the strains suggested below. Remember: the perfect option is also based on personal preference.

Blue Dream

Profile: Up to 24 percent THC. Hybrid. This chemovar is one of the most popular strains of all time. Further, patients consider it useful for immediate relief of chronic symptoms, including pain and inflammation. It may also help with depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues associated with fibromyalgia and many other disorders.


Profile: 7-15 percent THC and 10 percent CBD. Sativa-dominant hybrid.

Patients find this to be a great day time selection, with a gentle mixture of THC to CBD. It seems to target muscle and joint paint effectively.


Profile: 1:1 CBD to THC. Hybrid.

Cannatonic is very rich in CBD. Therefore, many patirents find it to combat anxiety, depression, and neuropathic pain. Further, Cannatonic has an equal ratio of THC to CBD. It generally associates with feelings of happiness, energy, and mood improvement.

Critical Mass

Profile: 20 percent THC and 5 percent CBD. 70 percent Indica.

This is another great option for those who need pain relief, with a milder intoxicating effect. Further, patients believe the strain’s higher CBD ratio helps to reduce the “high” without compromising on relief.


Profile: 17 to 24 percent THC. This strain is an Indica-dominant hybrid. Many patients consider this strain especially good for nighttime consumption, as it may have strong sedative powers.