Michigan Cannabis Law: What You Need To Know

Sean Wallace July 13, 2019 0 comments

If you live in Michigan, this is how you are legally permitted to consume cannabis.

Editor’s Note: This article is archived (02-07-2020).

If you follow the cannabis news, you’ll already know that Michigan cannabis law changes allowed adult-use (recreational) cannabis in November 2018. Adults in Michigan are already allowed to possess up to 2.5oz of cannabis in public, or up to 10oz and 12 plants at home. However, until now there has been no legal mechanism to allow recreational sales.

That’s all changing following the state’s release of new regulations for adult-use, recreational cannabis businesses under the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act (MRTMA.)

michigan cannabis law

Where Can I Buy Cannabis in Michigan?

Sadly, not every community in Michigan will allow recreational cannabis.  Michigan cannabis law allows communities to veto sales within their borders. Around 506 local communities indicate that they won’t allow cannabis businesses to set up shop. However, some local politicians are waiting to make a decision until the state clarifies the rules.

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If your town or city has voted to prevent sales, fear not! Residents can overturn the decision by way of voter initiative. You’ll just need the signatures of 5% of those in your town who voted in the 2018 gubernatorial election. After administrators validate the signatures, the question of whether to allow cannabis sales in your town will be put to voters at the next election.

If you’re lucky enough to live in a more enlightened community, you can expect to see cannabis stores by the end of the year.

Although Michigan legalized recreational cannabis back in November 2018, only medical card holders can currently legally purchase it. The licensing process for recreational cannabis businesses in Michigan starts November 1st, and the state plans for the first licenses to come out December 6th.

Who Can Buy Cannabis in Michigan?

Once the first recreational stores open, any adult aged 21 and up can buy recreational cannabis. Just remember to bring along your driver’s license as proof of age!

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When it comes to medical cannabis, the rules remain the same. You’ll need a state-issued medical card, available if you have a condition from this list.

Can I Buy Recreational Cannabis at Medical Dispensaries?

Yes! While legislation requires operators to separate recreational and medical stocks, existing medical dispensaries will be among the first stores to see approval for recreational licenses. However, you can expect to pay a little more. Buyers of recreational cannabis will have an additional 10% tax on top of the state’s 6% sales tax.

weed shaped like Michigan

Where Can I Smoke?

While you’ll soon be able to buy recreationally under Michigan cannabis law, the same can’t be said for public consumption. The state’s 2018 cannabis legalization law allows adults to consume and grow cannabis at home; and only at home. Public consumption remains strictly forbidden. Also, be warned: if you live in rented accommodation, your landlord is able to ban growing or smoking cannabis.

You won’t be free to fire up a joint walking down Main Street anytime soon. However, the new regulations allow communities to license cannabis social clubs. While these establishments aren’t licensed for sales – including food and alcohol – adults aged 21 and up can bring their own cannabis to enjoy. Furthermore, delivery services will accept orders for delivery to social clubs.

How Do I Get a License to Grow or Sell?

Medical cannabis businesses, such as cultivators and dispensaries, must demonstrate that they hold assets of up to $500,000 to be eligible for a license. However, budding cannabis entrepreneurs can breathe a sigh of relief. The licensing procedure for recreational businesses are a little more forgiving, and recreational license applicants won’t be subject to the same capitalization requirements.

Small-scale growers hoping to get in on the cannabis market are in luck. The state plans to allow licensing for cannabis micro-businesses allowing 150 plants, as well as to process and sell your products at the same facility.

To start, you’ll need to cough up application fee of between $1,000 and $40,000, depending on what kind of business you plan to open. For example, social clubs can expect to pay $1,000, while commercial-scale growers and processors could pay up to $40,000.

Like neighboring Illinois, Michigan’s adult-use law includes strong social equity provisions. For cannabusiness owners, this means you’ll need to demonstrate how your business will help communities cannabis prohibition in Michigan disproportionately targeted.

To start the process, just visit the Michigan Marijuana Regulatory Agency’s website.

Green Christmas in Michigan?

While the latest news will excite Michigan residents, it’s going to take a little while to get the ball rolling. The first licenses should come out in December. This means that with luck, recreational cannabis consumers in The Wolverine State could be in for their first Green Christmas.

Christmas tree made of cannabis leaves

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Sean Wallace

A cannabis veteran of twenty years, Sean became involved in cannabis activism and medical cannabis in 2013 after a period of poor health. He quickly took matters into his own hands and got his grow on, and after a year was able to move to Barcelona, Spain, where he got a first-hand taste of the city's cannabis industry. Sean loves to share his knowledge and experience by writing about cannabis, and is passionate about accuracy in cannabis reporting.

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