I Said No to Their Drug Trials for Cancer and I’m Still Here

RxLeaf July 1, 2018 0 comments

Ron is a five-time cancer surviver and he credits cannabis. 

Editor’s Note: Any testimonials or endorsements found on this site are for anecdotal purposes only. The information in Rxleaf testimonials is not intended as direct medical advice, nor should it be relied upon as a substitute for consultations with qualified healthcare professionals who are intimately knowledgeable about your individual medical needs.

My name is Ron and I am a 20 year (5 time) Non Hodgkins Lymphoma survivor. I recently became disabled by reduced heart function. Half of it is dead from chemotherapy drugs taken 10 years ago.

Essentially, I was told by my oncologist 26 months ago, I would be dead in 2yrs. In fact, he said it would metastasize this time because that’s what studies show. Studies didn’t show what THC & CBD oil infusion can do. I cleared that up in my own experiment.

When I first asked about it, my oncologist said, “Oh, you like to get high?” So he’s not my oncologist anymore! He wanted me to do maintenance drugs for 2 years. Then he wanted to put me in a drug trial. He insisted that I needed it. I would be dead now if I fed his wallet instead of my health.

I quit all the opiates and nerve blockers and Xanax with cannabis.

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From RxLeaf: Where are things with Cannabis Drug Trials for Cancer?

In a review of the current and completed studies published on ClinicalTrials.gov, there are already dozens looking at cannabis for cancer. Yet, most (if not all) of these studies explore the benefits of the plant for palliative care, cancer-related pain, or to reduce the adverse effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

Few have ever looked at the potential of cannabis to target cancer itself, at least in later stages of clinical research.

A single study, published in 2006 [1]Guzmán, M., Duarte, M. J., Blázquez, C., Ravina, J., Rosa, M. C., Galve-Roperh, I., Sánchez, C., Velasco, G., & González-Feria, L. (2006). A pilot clinical study of … Continue readingsummary, “Anticancer mechanisms of cannabinoids,” the authors conclude there is at least enough evidence for proof of concept behind cannabis for cancer. According to their review, cannabinoids seem to improve the efficacy of other cancer therapies, promote cancer cell apoptosis, and in some cases, inhibit metastasis. [2]

Preliminary support in scientific literature is the first critical step towards well-controlled clinical trials. Following the growing demand among the American public and a majority of states with legal access, it’s only a matter of time before the American government opens up funding to better medical cannabis research.
