How to Dry Wet Weed Fast

Francis Cassidy February 27, 2020 1 comment

Wet buds can be a devastating surprise, but all is not lost.

When you first purchase, avoid cannabis that’s too dry or too wet. How will you know? If there is a stem attached to the end of the bud, give it a bend. Properly cured cannabis will have a stem that snaps. If it bends, it’s too wet and the grower likely rushed the curing process. In addition, if they let you touch the bud, it should have a give to it, but retain its shape.

Yes, but can you smoke wet weed? It’s not recommended. When too wet, cannabis is hard to grind, doesn’t burn well, often tastes bad, and many report that it’s not as potent. Before we get into how to fix wet weed, it’s important to realize that your wet buds can be more than a bummer.

Importantly, wet cannabis harbors the increased possibility of mold formation, something with known dangers to human health. Never smoke cannabis that has evidence of mold. Well, how do we spot mold on weed?

What Does Moldy Weed Look Like?

Moldy weed has a grey or powdery look to it. Novice cannabis consumers can sometimes get confused about how to tell if weed is moldy as the trichomes also look shiny. Trichomes, however, look like tiny, raised hairs. If in doubt, skip it.

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For most, moldy weed may inflame the sinuses or even cause coughing and vomiting. For those that are immune compromised, smoking moldy cannabis can be deadly. This is because certain fungi can invade the lungs and if the immune system is not up to the task, this will result in infections, such as aspergillosis.

Close up of moldy weed bud infected with powdery mildew

OK There’s No Mold, So How to Dry Wet Weed?

It’s entirely possible to rescue this situation. If you are certain there is no mold present, then these are the best methods on ow to dry moist weed

The Rice Method for Cell Phones Can Dry Wet Buds Too

It’s a method commonly used to rescue cellphones that fell down toilets and laptops doused in coffee, the rice method helps to remove moisture slowly and safely.

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Place the wet cannabis in a brown paper bag or mason jar, and cover it in uncooked rice to suck the moisture out of the buds. It will require at least twenty-four hours, depending on how moist the buds are. If using a mason jar, ensure that the jar is left open so as the excess humidity can escape. Check the buds once per day until moisture levels are acceptable.

Once dry, break the buds open and leave them on a paper towel to help remove any residual moisture held within and check again for mold.

Use a Brown Paper Bag as a Dehumidifier

This method involves the use of a brown paper bag – the kind you used to bring your lunch to school. Simply place the moist buds in the bag and leave them in a dark, dry place. The brown paper bag allows air to circulate to wick away moisture. This method will also protect the trichomes from further deterioration via exposure to light and heat.

Humidity Packs Can Help Fix Wet Weed

If it’s just a little damp, then a humidity pack may be all that’s required to restore the potency of the bud.

Products like the Boveda Humidity Packs are ideal in such cases. By placing the damp bud in an airtight container, the design of the humidity pack exposes the bud to the ideal humidity of sixty-two percent.

The benefits of humidity packs work both ways. If the cannabis is too dry, it’ll also help restore moisture. This versatility makes them the ideal solution for longer-term storage of cannabis.

wet cannabis leaves that might make you wonder how to fix wet weed

How to Dry Wet Weed: What Not to Do

It’s important to avoid shortcuts when attempting to rescue wet cannabis. While it’s tempting to expose the buds to high heat, this only serves to deteriorate the quality of the cannabis. You will destroy terpenes and lose cannabinoids.

Placing cannabis in an oven or using a hairdryer will likely over-dry the cannabis, and rob the trichomes of many of the potent cannabinoids and terpenes. And of course, when bud is too dry, it results in a harsh smoke that can irritate the throat and lungs.

A Final Word on the Dangers of Mold

Perhaps the greatest danger associated with wet cannabis is the formation of mold. A moist environment is the perfect breeding ground for a host of molds, fungi, and bacteria that no patient should consume, something that highlights the need to act quickly with wet cannabis.

A study, published in The Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases (2011), [1]Gargani, Y., Bishop, P., & Denning, D. W. (2011). Too many mouldy joints – marijuana and chronic pulmonary aspergillosis. Mediterranean journal of hematology and infectious diseases, 3(1), … Continue readinginvestigated the links between smoking cannabis and the formation of pulmonary aspergillosis. The study, entitled “Too Many Mouldy Joints,” found a link between the consumption of contaminated medicinal cannabis and the formation of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis.

Mold in cannabis presents a real danger to a patient’s health, and once any signs of mold appear, patients should refrain from using it in any form. In the process of drying out wet cannabis, pay careful attention to the formation of any mold.

A simple visual inspection often works well. Commonly seen as growths akin to a white cobweb, or as dark yellow or gray spots on otherwise green buds, mold can take several forms. Additionally, the smell of the bud will often provide clues into the presence of mold. Quality cannabis should exhibit a potent aroma thanks to the abundance of terpenes held in the trichomes.

Beware of the scent of sweat or urine, as it’s a sure sign that mold is present.

Store Cannabis Correctly to Avoid Problems

Avoiding accidents and potential problems with mold starts with proper storage. It’s always best to store cannabis in an airtight container and in a cool, dark location. Keeping it away from direct light and high temperatures is also advisable.

Mason jars often work best for this purpose, and the additional use of a humidity pack will ensure that the cannabis maintains its potency for a considerable time. Many other commercially available solutions exist that offer extra functionality and precision humidity control.

You should know how to fix wet weed, because accidents happen; the potential loss of a stash is a travesty. However with a few simple tricks there could be a second chance. But just like most things in life, there’s also a time to bail. And when mold raises its ugly head, it’s officially game over.


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Francis Cassidy
Francis Cassidy is a freelance writer who writes on a variety of topics. With a particular focus on the cannabis industry, he aims to help ensure the smooth reintegration of cannabis back into global culture. When not writing, he's to be found exploring his new base in British Columbia, Canada. You can follow his other works including his photography on his blog

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1 comment

  1. Gregory Krivanek

    Is there a difference between sticky and being to moist. I thought sticky was good.