Could THC Gum be the Perfect Way to Medicate?

Francis Cassidy November 12, 2020 0 comments

THC gum is a clean, fast-acting, and socially acceptable way to medicate with cannabis.

Nicotine gum is a tried and tested biohack for many, but infusing cannabinoids into gum is a new thing. THC gum represents a clean and fast-acting way to ingest cannabinoids. Easily administered and odor-free, cannabis gum provides patients with a reliable and repeatable experience.

How Does THC Gum Absorb in the Body?

Unlike with edibles, the THC in cannabis gum gets absorbed directly without having to undergo absorption in the digestive tract. Once the chewing starts, the THC released absorbs almost immediately through the mucous membrane in the mouth and takes a direct route into the bloodstream.

Should I Try THC Gum?

THC gum offers several advantages over competing forms of administration. One of the primary benefits is its ease of use. The fact that THC gum is discrete, odorless, and easy to use makes it an appropriate method of consumption in places where cannabis use may be inappropriate.

Gum is Healthier than Smoking

Chewing gum is also a healthier option than smoking cannabis flower and exposing the lungs to the carcinogenic compounds that inevitably result. The same goes for vaping; whether a patient vapes dry flower or a form of extracted oil, at the very least, throat irritation is a common side effect.

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A Low-calorie Cannabis Treat

THC gum is also notably low in calories, something that’s particularly appealing to many consumers. Many producers claim as little as five calories in one piece of gum containing up to twenty milligrams of THC. With edibles, the higher concentrations of sugar and fats mean the calorie count is far higher, something that some consumers want to avoid.

THC Gum has Quick Onset Time

THC gum also exhibits a quick onset time. Patients will generally experience the effects within five to fifteen minutes, and depending on the dose size, this may last for several hours. The onset time is substantially faster than edibles, where the medicinal compounds have to navigate the digestive tract before THC converts in the liver to the more potent 11-Hydroxy-THC. It’s a process that can sometimes take over an hour, and it also brings about huge variability in the effects due to the delay. The quick onset with THC gum means that patients can titrate their dose and reduce the risk of becoming overwhelmed should they consume too much.

Gum has a Long Shelf Life

With the lack of perishable ingredients in THC gum, it can remain shelf-stable for up to two years.

How Can Patients Use Cannabis Gum?

There are several ways in which patients can use THC gum. Many available brands developed low-dose solutions that make microdosing possible. With accurate dosing in each piece, patients can obtain fast-acting benefits with minimal risk of intoxication. They can chose the exact dose that is needed for relief.

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The medicinal effects come on in as little as five minutes. This means patients can easily titrate their dose as they see fit. Some patients choose to administer the gum, chew it until they feel the desired effects, and then “park it” in the side of their mouth until they require more.

Chew The Pain Away With THC Gum

One of the main marketing strategies for cannabis gum is as a treatment for pain. THC is well known for its analgesic properties among medicinal cannabis consumers. But what’s less well known is that the act of chewing in and of itself can lead to pain-relieving effects. That’s without the presence of THC – so imagine how much the THC helps!

In a study [1]Weijenberg, Roxane & Lobbezoo, Frank. (2015). Chew the Pain Away: Oral Habits to Cope with Pain and Stress and to Stimulate Cognition. BioMed Research International. 10.1155/2015/149431. published in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology (2015), researchers hypothesized that the act of chewing gum provides its own analgesic properties. The theory stems from the idea that oral rhythmic motions in newborn babies, such as those encountered during breastfeeding, coupled with the sweet taste of breast milk, are all nonpharmacological approaches for pain relief.

In the study, researchers established the analgesic effects of chewing based on subjective experience. They took things further, however, too – by observing brain activity and blood serotonin levels.

THC, for its part, accentuates the natural analgesic properties of chewing. Many studies verify the pain-relieving properties of THC, and one study [2]Vučković, S., Srebro, D., Vujović, K. S., Vučetić, Č., & Prostran, M. (2018). Cannabinoids and Pain: New Insights From Old Molecules. Frontiers in pharmacology, 9, 1259. … Continue readingpublished in Frontiers in Pharmacology (2018) provided in-depth and extensive analysis on how exactly cannabinoids like THC help reduce chronic pain.

Researchers Investigating Potential Benefits

THC gum also offers a host of other benefits in the treatment of several conditions. Anecdotal evidence suggests that many find it useful in helping control spasticity in people who have multiple sclerosis. It can also be useful in treating digestive pain, irritable bowel syndrome, and may even be an effective treatment for fibromyalgia pain.

THC gum may also offer a host of other advantages that include neuroprotective benefits and stress relief that may help patients ward off the cognitive impairment often associated with age.

Cannabis gum is merely another way to consume cannabis. But, while it does offer patients many benefits, most products currently on the market only contain THC or CBD. Those looking to obtain maximum medicinal benefit from the cannabis plant will usually fare best when consuming the entire plant spectrum, which includes the minor cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. Perhaps future cannabis gum products may incorporate yet more medicinal compounds. However, for now, THC gum represents a new direction for the cannabis industry.


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Francis Cassidy
Francis Cassidy is a freelance writer who writes on a variety of topics. With a particular focus on the cannabis industry, he aims to help ensure the smooth reintegration of cannabis back into global culture. When not writing, he's to be found exploring his new base in British Columbia, Canada. You can follow his other works including his photography on his blog

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