CBD Lube May Be For More Than Sex

Francis Cassidy February 12, 2020 0 comments

Studies indicate CBD lube may soothe the pelvic symptoms of menopause.

In many ways, the medical system fails women when it comes to helping them deal with the symptoms of menopause. Scientists are still very much uncovering exactly what happens to a woman’s body during this time. With limited medical support, many turn to traditional forms of herbal medicine and embrace CBD. A study published by BDS Analytics (2017), surveyed one thousand women on their reasons for consuming cannabis. Menopause, menstruation, and sex were the top three reasons. It turns out CBD lube can help with all three.

Many women turn to cannabis as a natural alternative to deal with the mood swings brought on by menopause. But, perhaps one of the most common uses is as an alternative to estrogen therapy among those currently going through menopause.

In the years before menopause, a woman’s estrogen levels swing dramatically. In addition to fluctuations in estrogen levels, additional hormones also vary unpredictably. This brings about changes in neurochemistry in addition to the inflammatory response the woman’s body produces.

Low Estrogen and Rampant Inflammation

A study published by The American Society for the Study of Sterility (2002), uncovered that a lack of estrogen leads to an increase in inflammatory markers in women. This rampant inflammation is responsible for much of the pain experienced by many menopausal women.

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cbd lube hinted at by woman sniffing a cannabis bud sensually

Enter CBD Lube as a Treatment During Menopause

While there are many other symptoms associated with menopause, the genitourinary syndrome of menopause is one of the most interesting from a cannabis perspective.

Genitourinary syndrome is a condition that describes genital symptoms such as dryness, burning, irritation, and sexual symptoms such as pain and a lack of lubrication.

Sufficient levels of estrogen are responsible for keeping blood flowing to the pelvic region. Ample blood flow results in a healthy oxygen supply to both the urinary tract and the sexual organs, something that’s hugely important during menopause.

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The pelvic area requires some tender loving care during this time, and one solution known to help manage these symptoms is CBD lube. CBD is a potent vasodilator that can increase blood flow dramatically in the pelvic region. A study published by The American Society for Clinical Investigation (2017), described how CBD functions as a vasodilator. Researchers reported that CBD, “causes both acute and time-dependent vasorelaxation in isolated arteries.”

CBD Lube is particularly useful in combating inflammation and pain in the vulva and vagina. The compound in lube form helps to keep tissue healthy by moisturizing the vaginal canal.

CBD lube can also lead to increased sensitivity, and many women report feeling increased relaxation after application. CBD lube can also benefit those who may experience pain during sex. It helps reduce tension in the pelvic floor and can counteract the associated discomfort of penetration and inflammation.

What are the Associated Risks of CBD Lube?

Many patients report responding to CBD in different ways. With the current legal state of medicinal cannabis, regulation is lacking in many jurisdictions. As a result, many CBD products can vary widely depending on the source.

Patients should always ensure that the contents of any medication they buy are legitimate. In some cases, they may have to try several different products until they find optimal results.

Another vital issue to consider is that CBD lubes are often oil-based. This means that they aren’t safe to use with condoms, as the oil may cause the latex to tear.

cbd lube hinted at by older couple happy laying in bed

The Top CBD Lubes on the Market

With the questionable quality of many CBD products in unregulated jurisdictions, here are four tried and tested CBD Lubes that stand apart.

Kush Queen Ignite CBD Lube

Kush Queen Ignite CBD Lube is a water-based lube that doesn’t contain any oil, meaning it’s compatible with latex. The lube itself contains nano CBD particles so small that they readily absorb through the skin and into the bloodstream.

Foria Awaken Lube

Made from broad-spectrum CBD, Foria’s Awaken Lube also contains a holistic blend of kava extract and aromatic oils. Advertised as a multi-aphrodisiac blend formulated for women, its intended use is as a pre-lube that helps enhance tactile sensation and pleasure while decreasing tension, discomfort, and dryness.

Privy Peach CBD-Infused Intimate Oil

Designed to lubricate and increase circulation, this CBD-infused Intimate Oil from Privy Peach comes as a set of ten pouches, each containing twenty-five milligrams of CBD. It melts into a satisfying oil once applied and helps promote pleasurable sensations while also helping dull discomfort.

Quim Smooth Operator Intimate Serum

Smooth Operator from Quim is full of beneficial compounds in addition to containing CBD derived from hemp. With the addition of aloe vera, it targets inflammation, increased collagen production, and vaginal elasticity. As a water-soluble product, Quim Smooth Operator Intimate Serum is safe to use with latex condoms.

From easing pain to increasing comfort, and from balancing hormone levels to increasing those slowly depleting estrogen levels, a quality CBD lube is one form of medicinal cannabis that punches above its weight.

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Francis Cassidy

Francis Cassidy is a freelance writer who writes on a variety of topics. With a particular focus on the cannabis industry, he aims to help ensure the smooth reintegration of cannabis back into global culture. When not writing, he's to be found exploring his new base in British Columbia, Canada. You can follow his other works including his photography on his blog thestrayphotographer.com

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